The Predictive Relationship between Pre-Service Teachers’ Self-Efficacy Belief, Attitudes towards Teaching Profession and Teaching Motivation
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Pre-service teachers’ self-efficacy, Attitudes towards teaching, Teaching motivation, Academic successAbstract
The study aims to determine the predictive relationship between self-efficacy beliefs, attitudes toward the teaching profession, and teaching motivation among pre-service teachers. The study, in which 364 pre-service teachers participated, is designed as a correlational survey model. Teachers’ Sense of Self-efficacy Scale, Attitude Scale of the Teaching Profession, and Motivation to Teach Scale are used as data collection tools. The independent variables in this study are willingness to choose the teaching profession and academic achievement. The dependent variables are teacher self-efficacy, attitudes toward the teaching profession, and teaching motivation. The result of the study suggests that as the general academic achievement average of pre-service teachers increase, their perceptions of teaching self-efficacy, teaching attitudes and teaching motivations also increase. The fact that pre-service teachers choose the teaching profession voluntarily affects their teaching self-efficacy perceptions, teaching attitudes and teaching motivations positively. There is a significant relationship between the pre-service teachers' teaching self-efficacy beliefs, teaching attitudes towards teaching, and teaching motivation levels. It can be concluded that intrinsic motivation toward teaching and teaching profession self-efficacy beliefs have a significant effect on attitudes toward teaching.
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