The Relationship between Teacher Perceptions of Distributed Leadership and Schools as Learning Organizations

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  • Ramazan ERTÜRK



Teacher, Leader, Shared leadership, Learning school


This study aimed to identify the relationship between teachers' distributed leadership and perceptions of schools as learning organizations. This study used correlational survey model and made use of correlations to determine the relationship between the two variables. Study population consisted of 600 teachers employed at secondary schools in the central district of Bolu in 2018-2019 academic year. The study was carried out on the population and therefore no sampling was required. Of the 600 scales distributed, 268 were returned and evaluated. The measurement tool used in the research consists of three parts. First part of the scale included demographic characteristics of teachers. The second part included the Distributed Leadership Scale and the third part consisted of the Learning School Scale. Some of the results of the research are as follows: Teachers have high perceptions of learning school and sub-dimensions such as team learning, mental models, shared vision, personal domination and shared leadership. Male and female teachers are similar in learning schools and sub-dimensions of learning in teams, mental models, shared vision and shared leadership perceptions. According to the results of the research, female teachers 'perceptions of personal dominance dimension are higher than male teachers' perceptions. Teachers with different types of in-service participation and project numbers have similar characteristics to the learning school, learning as a team, mental models, shared vision and personal dominance sub-dimensions and shared leadership perceptions. The teachers' perceptions of teachers in schools whose schools have different number of teachers show different characteristics in other dimensions and shared leadership perceptions except for personal dominance dimension.

Author Biographies

Ramazan ERTÜRK

Corresponding Author: Ramazan Ertürk,, BOLU ABANT İZZET BAYSAL ÜNİVERSİTESİ

Ramazan ERTÜRK




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How to Cite

ERTÜRK, R., & SEZGİN NARTGÜN, Şenay. (2022). The Relationship between Teacher Perceptions of Distributed Leadership and Schools as Learning Organizations. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 6(2), 381–396.


