The Relationship between School Administrators’ Supportive Behaviors and Teachers’ Job Satisfaction and Subjective Well-Being

Principal support,, Job satisfaction, Subjective well-being, School administrator,, TeacherAbstract
This research aimed to determine the relationships between school administrators’ supportive behaviors and teachers’ job satisfaction and subjective well-being via correlational survey model, a quantitative research method. The study group of this research was composed of 400 teachers working employed at primary schools in the city center of Bolu. Principal Support Scale, Teaching Satisfaction Scale and Teacher Subjective Well-being Questionnaire were used in the study. Since the data had a normal distribution, parametric tests were utilized in data analysis. Research results demonstrated positive and highly significant relationships between informational support and teachers’ job satisfaction and subjective well-being; between informational support and teachers’ job satisfaction and between principal support and emotional (expressive) support dimension and teachers’ subjective well-being. School administrators’ supportive behaviors were found to have a significant effect on teachers’ job satisfaction and subjective well-being levels. Teachers’ job satisfaction was found to affect their subjective well-being levels. The findings that school administrators provided moderate emotional and informational support to teachers and teachers had moderate job satisfaction were also remarkable and striking. This study presented the importance of school administrators’ supportive behaviors with the finding that school administrators’ support predicted both teachers’ job satisfaction and subjective well-being.
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