The Effect of School Transparency on Attitude Towards Supervision


School, Supervision, Transparency, Attitudes towards supervision, School transparancyAbstract
The research was planned to measure the impact of transparency of schools on attitude towards supervision. The research was conducted in state schools in Pamukkale and Merkezefendi district in Denizli. In the study, School Transparency Scale and the Attitude Scale towards Supervision in Education were used. “School transparency scale” was developed by Bozbayındır (2016). "Attitude Scale towards Supervision in Education” was developed by Uğurlu and Usta (2016). The questions in the scales were transferred to the forms prepared e-form and the data were collected with the help of these online forms. In this study, the analyses were made with multiple regression analysis. Only the courtesy dimension was predicted by the transparency dimension in practice. Implications for Research and Practice: Information transparency, evaluation transparency and the transparency in practice variables do not predict the willingness and knowledge dimensions significantly. The courtesy dimension is predicted by the transparency in practice. As the implementation transparency increases, it can be said that the inspectors are seen more kindly. School administrators should demonstrate transparency in particular.
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