The Effect of Simulation-Based Experiential Learning Applications on Problem Solving Skills in Social Studies Education

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  • Ceyhun UZUN
  • Kamil UYGUN



Experiential learning, simulation-based learning, social studies education, problem-solving skills


The aim of the study is to reveal the effect of simulation-based experiential learning applications on gaining problem-solving skills in the Social Studies curriculum. The research was carried out in an experimental model, and the data were obtained according to the controlled pre-test and post-test approach. Social process simulation, as one type of the social simulations, was preferred during the application process. Three new and originally developed social process simulations were used in the context of the simulation-based experiential learning applications for the learning theme of “Power, Management and Society” in the 7’th grade social studies curriculum. According to the time prescribed in the program, the course implementation continued for 4 weeks (12 lessons) in total. The research was carried out in Uşak’s Karahallı District Cumhuriyet Secondary School. The study group of the research consists of 42 students; 21 students in the experimental group and 21 students in the control group had been participated in the research. The “Problem Solving Skills Scale” consisting of 4 dimensions was used as the data collection tool of the research. Mann Whitney U Test and Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test as non-parametric tests were used to analyze the data obtained in the study. According to research results, the post-test results of the experimental group students who were educated in the simulation-based experiential learning model were significantly higher than the control group students who were educated with the methods prescribed in the programme. As a conclusion in this context, it has been reached that simulation-based experiential learning applications enhance students’ problem-solving skills.

Author Biographies

Ceyhun UZUN

Ceyhun UZUN


This article was produced from the PhD Thesis titled “Designing, implementation and investigation of simulation based experiential learning applications in social studies education” accepted within the Social Studies Education Doctorate Programme of Usak University Institute of Social Sciences. Corresponding Author: Kamil Uygun,



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How to Cite

UZUN, C., & UYGUN, K. (2022). The Effect of Simulation-Based Experiential Learning Applications on Problem Solving Skills in Social Studies Education . International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 9(1), 28–38.


