Analysis of TPACK Self-Efficacy Perception Levels of Social Studies Teachers and Pre-Service Teachers

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  • Ozkan Akman
  • Cemal Guven


TPACK, Social Studies, Technology, Pedagogy


The purpose of this research is to examine the self-efficacy technological pedagogical and content knowledge (TPACK) of the social studies teachers and pre-service teachers. TPACK scale which is developed by the researcher in this respect is applied to 113 social studies teachers and 919 social studies pre-service teachers. The method of the research has been patterned by the monitoring method. In accordance with the obtained data, the consistency index values are found by calculation of structural equity path coefficients (path analysis). The data has been classified with SPSS program and has been analysed with AMOS (Analyses of Moment Structures) program. In the study, while the relation level between other components and the technological knowledge teachers and pre-service teachers are seen in low and middle level, the relation level between the content knowledge and pedagogical knowledge has been found in higher level. Consequently, the necessity has occurred for the integration of the technological pedagogical and content knowledge of the social studies teachers and pre-service teachers with each other. 

Author Biographies

Ozkan Akman

Corresponding Author: Ozkan Akman,

Cemal Guven

Necmettin Erbakan University


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How to Cite

Akman, O., & Guven, C. (2015). Analysis of TPACK Self-Efficacy Perception Levels of Social Studies Teachers and Pre-Service Teachers. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 2(1), 1–12. Retrieved from


