General High School Students’ Opinions on the Use of Project FATIH

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  • Ilhan Gunbayi
  • Tayfun Yoruk


Project FATIH, Student Opinions


The purpose of this study was to determine the opinions of general high school students regarding the usage level of project FATIH started to be implemented in the academic year 2012 – 2013. In this study, survey method was used and the sample of research consisted of the 375 students studying in 16 high schools in which the project FATIH was being implemented in Muratpaşa district of Antalya.  For the statistical analysis, by the help software SPSS 18.00 and LISREL 8.54, frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-Test, LSD, and One-way ANOVA tests were used. According to the results obtained from the study, regarding the usage level of Project FATIH, students had "medium" level positive opinion in terms of the factors "Use of e-content", "Training requirement", and "Institution adequacy" while they had "high" level of positive opinion on the factors "Teaching processes" and "Self-adequacy and project yields". 

Author Biographies

Ilhan Gunbayi

Corresponding Author: Ilhan Gunbayi,, Akdeniz University

Tayfun Yoruk

Akdeniz University


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How to Cite

Gunbayi, I., & Yoruk, T. (2015). General High School Students’ Opinions on the Use of Project FATIH. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 2(1), 35–45. Retrieved from


