Validity and Reliability Study on The Development of Data Literacy Scale for Educators

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  • Serap ÖZ



Data literacy, Scale development, Educational data mining, Data literacy scale


The purpose of this study is to develop a valid and reliable Likert-type scale which can be used to measure the data literacy skills of the educators. In the development process of the scale, after reviewing the relevant literature, a pool of 130 items was designed and presented to the view of the experts. After the evaluation of experts, the content validity rate and content validity indexes of the items were calculated by using Lawshe method and 39 items were formed. The draft scale of 39 item was applied to 820 teachers and administrators working in public schools in İstanbul 2021-2022 academic year. In order to determine the construct validity of the scale, principal component analysis and factor analysis were performed. As a result of these analyzes, a scale consisting of 3 factors and total 34 items was developed. For reliability, Cronbach α (.952) coefficient was calculated for the overall dimensions of the scale and varimax rotation. The results show that the scale is valid and reliable.

Author Biographies

Serap ÖZ

Corresponding author, Serap Öz,

Serap ÖZ




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How to Cite

ÖZ, S., & ÖZDEMİR, A. (2022). Validity and Reliability Study on The Development of Data Literacy Scale for Educators. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research, 9(3), 649–661.


