The Relationships Between School Climate, School Belonging and School Burnout in Secondary School Students

School climate, School belonging, School burnoutAbstract
In this study, the relationships between school climate, school belonging, and school burnout were examined based on the views of secondary school students. 667 middle school students from Dörtyol district of Hatay, selected with a stratified sample, participated in the study. School Climate Scale, School Belonging Scale, and School Burnout Scale were used to collect research data. Descriptive statistics, regression analysis, path analysis, and Sobel test were used to analyze the data. The findings of the study show that secondary school students' perceptions of school climate and school belonging are at a high level; their levels of school burnout are medium. Again, the research findings show that there are significant relationships between school climate, school belonging, and school burnout. School climate and school belonging are significant predictors of school burnout. School belonging has a partial mediating effect on the relationship between school climate and school burnout. School climate, which has a significant impact on the school burnout of secondary school students, has this effect directly or indirectly through school belonging.
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